
Bottled Water Problem

Decent Essays

Bottled water affects people from all sides – in its production, distribution, consumption, and waste. For that reason, being environmentally conscious should not be limited to only the “well-off” – especially when environmental often issues affect minorities the most. As much as it bothers me that I still have to often separate issues based on ethnicity rather than other defining characteristics, the current problem we face has no simple solution. What may work in minority communities in the United States might have no effect in places like China for example, where it is the wealthy that consume the most bottled water and contribute the most to waste (Barnes 2014). The more wide-spread the bottled water industry has become, the more diverse and complicated the issues they pose have become. That is why when addressing matters such …show more content…

That is not to say I have given up, but it goes to show the amount of hold that the bottled water industry has. It is quite impressive really considering that it is a fairly new commodity in the beverage industry. Long term, it appears that the bottled water industry is here to stay, but that does not mean that it should be allowed to continue to privatize public sources of water. This not only puts on a costly price tag on a resource that is to be free, but it also runs the risk of bottled water companies depleting local water supplies, which would only encourage privatization even further (Erbentraut 2015). Not only would this be detrimental to the environment, but it would also greatly affect poor communities even more than it does today. Until a bottle water industry designs a truly eco-friendly bottle, the only reasonable solution is to drink less bottled water. Though those who are privileged enough to understand the severity of its consequences should drink none at

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