
Bottled Water Vs Tap Water Analysis

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Since its inception, bottled water has been a commonplace use by people on the go, but is it as valuable as people think? There have been numerous of concerns as to whether bottled water is safer than tap water. In addition to the questions of safety, bottled water can be extravagant in comparison to tap water and there are even alternative options for people on the go such as refillable bottles. In the Susan Casey essay “Our Oceans Are Turning into Plastic … Are You?” she describes the potential dangers of excessive use of plastic on our earth, especially the impact on the oceans. To further add another dimension to Casey’s argument, Andrea Fuller wrote an article for The New York Times “Quality of Bottled Water Questioned in Congress”, which …show more content…

Bottled water should not be used as often as it is because of the greater the number of bottled water that is consumed, the greater the increase in the amount of pollution that will be in the environment. One may argue that water bottles can be recycled after use so that more can be made from it. One also may be right with this statement because recycling is known to be a useful task for the environment, however, they forget to recognize Casey’s studies that show, “there is no legal way to recycle…without adding a new layer of virgin plastic” (Casey 232). Not only does plastic pollution become a problem when bottled water is excessively consumed, but the natural resources that get used to package it can begin to run out. The more that bottled water is used, the more oil that will be needed to package and ship the bottles, therefore using up a valuable resource that could be preserved (“Bottled Water”). If bottled water would be consumed less often, there might be a chance that the government could spend less time and money on attempting to regulate bottled water and spend that resource on continuing to make our tap water …show more content…

While multiple examples are given to back up this claim, including the point that bottled water can be helpful in times of disaster when the water is undrinkable. The other side is that bottled water is not safer than tap water. Per the Natural Resources Defense Council, bottled water is more likely to be polluted than tap water (“Bottled Water”). It is also stated that bottled water hurts the environment because of all the waste that is produced each year from it. This can make one wonder if bottled water is actually safer than tap water and Fuller’s article can help influence this said audience. She writes about a hearing in which Congress was told of two studies that question that exact problem of bottled water’s safety. It is noted that municipal water systems are required to provide annual reports disclosing the name of their water source and any contaminants found in testing, bottled water companies, however, are not required (Fuller). Another statement made is that bottled water companies are not required to test the water with certified laboratories, but it is a requirement for tap water suppliers. Therefore, since bottled water is not considered any safer than tap water due to the lack of government regulation within bottled water companies. According to Fuller, bottled water companies are not held to the same regulations that municipal water systems are, such as giving the

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