
Braiding A Braid

Decent Essays

Beginning at the hairline, each strand of silky hair is intricately woven together into a tight French braid. The braid is incomplete without each piece. It cannot be executed flawlessly unless each strand of hair cooperates with each other strand of hair and the individual braiding it. When the individual braiding reaches the tips of the hair, where it is almost impossible to continue, an elastic is wrapped securing the finished work. The elastic remains untouched unless it is purposely removed or an unexpected event occurs destroying the hard work that has been displayed. The one braiding the hair often fills with a rewarding feeling after finishing a tight braid with little fly-a-ways, yet this feeling can so easily be stripped away when …show more content…

My co-counselors and I secured the hair elastic at the end of our work and were doubtful that anything could ever ruin the sense of community our bunk had. Excitement and laughter filled the air inflating camps bubble where ever our bunk was. As yet another amazing day at camp was coming to an end, my campers and I had to say goodbye to my co-counselor who was leaving for her day off. I was well aware that I would be alone with all of them for the rest of that night and the next day, but since the summer had been such a breeze I was sure that it would be nothing but a normal night of blaring music and screaming girls. My co-counselor left me in good hands with the immobile French braid we thought we had secured tightly at the …show more content…

It was only seconds after stepping out of my nightly refreshing shower, when I had realized that it was me, and only me, whose job it was to respond to the excruciating screams coming from the back of the bunk. I was the only adult in a bunk of twelve children, all nearly eleven years old. As startled as I was, I made my way to the back of the bunk listening to the sound of sobbing, wailing, fighting girls, all which broke my heart. The once rewarding feeling that jumped inside of me, the pride of knowing that my bunk was filled with girls who were so close that nothing could get in between them, was gone. They all looked to me to fix this what seemed like a disastrous problem to them. The word “unfair” was all they seemed to know when explaining the situation. Everything to them was unfair. One camper took too long of a shower, which was unfair. The camper being yelled at for taking too long of a shower felt it was unfair. The camper inside the shower expressed that the more she was yelled at the longer she was going to shower, which was

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