
Brain Science Beliefs

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Many people may or may not know the stories and lives of Phineas Gage, Henrietta Lacks, and Douglas Mawson. What you should know is that they all impacted the scientific community in major ways. Whether they changed brain science, changed how we study and search for cures for diseases or changed how people study and explore the Antarctic. Although their experiences may have been very different, they all greatly impacted the scientific community. Whether it’s about how Phineas Gage suffered major brain injury and underwent possible changes within himself; This changed how we look at brain science forever. Or whether it was how Henrietta Lacks suffered through cancer and died unknowingly that her cells were going to be used in laboratories around the world. Lastly, while leading the biggest exploration of the Antarctic of his time; Douglas Mawson who had to push for his life and suffer many losses in the most unforgiving environment on this planet. What makes their situations similar is that these people contributed a lot to science through their unusual cases to the scientific community whether they wanted to or not. Douglas Mawson had it worst; This is because he had to push for his life and it was his choice to continue his research and exploration, knowing he may or may not come back alive

Arguably Douglas Mawson could be seen as one of the worst of the situations. As Douglas Mawson suffered the loss of fellow explorers, equipment, food, dogs and dog sleds. Mawson

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