
Breaking Social Norms

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In order to break a social norm, one must understand what a norm is. According to The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology, norms are guidelines and rules that are acceptable within a certain culture or society. These rules and behaviors generally come from the society's values (Ferris and Stein, 79). In simple terms, norms are things that people follow in order to fit and belong within a society. If someone likes to make extremely racist remarks and the society in which they live in does not accept that kind of behavior, that person would be breaking a social norm. There is a difference between a social norm and a personal standard of behavior. If someone does not swear and decides to swear in order to rebel, the only thing they are …show more content…

Before looking at what each of these perspectives focuses on when looking at norms, one must understand what they mean. Structural functionalism is the idea that society is a whole that functions on the contributions from separate structures (20). This approach in simple terms means that people can benefit off of what society gives them. Conflict theory is the idea that social conflict is the underlying structure of society and social change. This theory also “emphasizes a materialist view of society, a critical view of society, a critical view of the status quo, and a dynamic model of historical change” (23). The biggest issue that conflict theorists look at is inequality and discrimination, they can look at why one group of people can have better chances in life than other. Symbolic interactionism, the last perspective, is the idea that interaction is the basis of society. Interactionists look at how interactions between people can shape society individuals and society (27). These three perspectives all have a purpose when looking at

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