
Breast Cancer Background

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Breast cancer is a malignancy that can potentially form in one breast or both. This also means it can also be life-threatening. This disease always starts as a tumor, such as many forms of cancer being and develop into. This occurs through cells dividing into malformations causing these tumors to start growing and developing into breast cancer. This cancer has a dire effect on both men and women. This report provides important information on the creation of breast cancer so that those affected by it understand the process in which it develops, creating a growing awareness of the disease.

The technical report will focus on improving the awareness of breast cancer and the knowledge to be able to communicate what breast cancer …show more content…

• These glands secrete milk into a complex system of tiny ducts. The ducts carry the milk through the breast and converge in a collecting chamber located just below the nipple.
• Breast cancer is either noninvasive (referred to as in situ, confined to the site of origin) or invasive (spreading) “(A.D.A.M).

Figure 1. "Most breast cancers begin in the cells that line the ducts (ductal cancers). Some begin in the cells that line the lobules (lobular cancers) while a small number start in other tissues." Reprinted from American Cancer Society, n.d. Retrieved April 24, 2016, from Types of breast cancer

Through understanding the anatomy of the breast, it is then to further gather information on the two stages of breast cancer. They are labeled as non-evasive breast cancer and evasive breast cancer. Non-evasive breast cancer also medically known as ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is defined by researchers at Susan G. Komen as "When abnormal cells grow inside the milk ducts but have not spread to nearby tissue or beyond, this is called ductal carcinoma in situ... The term "in situ" means "in place." With DCIS, the abnormal cells are still inside the ducts. DCIS is a non-invasive breast cancer, you may also hear the term “pre-invasive breast carcinoma” (Susan G. Komen, 2016). …show more content…

If smoking has not begun, do not start. If smoking has already occurred urge the body to quit. It is often found the women in pre- menopause stage are more prone to getting breast cancer through smoking. continues to list the complications that can come from smoking that can potentially affect cancer treatment starting with "damage to the lungs from radiation therapy, difficulty healing after surgery and breast reconstruction, higher risk of blood clots when taking hormonal therapy medicines". Being healthy is a choice by maintain a healthy weight, exercising regularly, watch alcohol consumption, and not smoking women can reduce breast cancer

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