
Breast Cancer: Hope

Decent Essays

Breast Cancer: There is always a place for a hope

Nowadays cancer has affected every other woman and some men. Breast cancer is number two the most common cancer in women’s life, but it's sad to say that most of us do not even recognize that we are sick until it is too late. It's a nightmare dreaded disease for every woman in this world. Nearly 40,000 people are expected to die from breast cancer in 2020, according to the NCI. The best way to prevent of getting a breast cancer is an early detection by getting a checkup every three months.
According to the Mayo Clinic, there are over 100 different kinds of cancer and breast cancer is the second most common cancer for women. Breast cancer can also occur in men, but it is most common to form …show more content…

It can affect people of all genders, ages, races, and ethnicities, but the risk of most types of cancer increases with age, also some individuals have a higher or lower risk due to differences in exposure to carcinogens (such as from smoking) and as a result of genetic factors. According to National Institutes of Health (NIH), the total costs for treating cancer in 2009 were $216.6 billion: $86.6 billion for direct medical costs and $130.0 billion for indirect mortality costs. In 2015, there are an estimated 1,658,370 new cancer cases diagnosed and 589,430 cancer deaths in the US, which is 22.52% of all the death together (Medical News Today). Overall there were 584,881 deaths: 307,559 males and 277,322 …show more content…

First of all, by detecting an early stage of breast cancer gives you a bigger chance of surviving; living a long happy life is a dream of each and every women but it’s not always possible, sometimes we just need to get comfortable with reality and live one day at the time the best way possible. It can never be your fault of getting sick with cancer, but it is in your hands to make the best of each and every second. Even going through the process of chemotherapy, you should never forget about people around you; it is hard for them as for you of seeing loved one going through such a rough

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