
Bridge To Wiseman's Cove Quotes

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Essay on a Bridge to Wisemans Cove A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove is a Bildungsroman novel about a 15 year old boy named Carl Matt. Carl moved to Wattle Beach in search of a new life, away from his past, only to discover old family secrets. He is reserved and reluctant to meet new people or try new things, but gradually he gains confidence to stand up for himself. Carl is confronted with adversity, but by accepting himself and his past, he overcomes it. One of the hardships Carl faces is having a poor self-esteem. His confidence is lowered because he has a negative attitude towards his body image. He also faces exclusion from the community due to his family reputation in Wattle Beach. He has to show that he is an individual, and learn that he …show more content…

Unfair stereotypes are placed on the Matt family, as Carl Matt is a gentle and loving person. However he is unfairly expected to have criminal tendencies like other members of his family. To overcome this pattern, he has to accept his past and prove to himself that he can change everyone’s misconceptions. The hostile attitude within Wattle Beach is obvious in the quote, “Nugent’s been here since Noah built the ark. Says he knows all the Matts from years ago and your brother looks the same as the lot of them. Acts the same as well.” This quote demonstrates the biased mindset of the community, reflected in Mr. Nugent’s dialogue. It draws attention to the fact that reputations are easily established and hard to reverse. Carl and his brother Harley are unfortunate to have this ugly background, particularly because it influences Harley’s behaviour and makes it hard for Carl to prove that he is different. It is wrong that the family’s reputation should close opportunities for them, especially when they have so much to give. Another problem for Carl is that he has to understand for himself that he is not responsible for the actions of his other family members. “Carl, you don’t owe them anything.” Carl is trying to stand up for Aunt Beryl, even though he knows she doesn’t deserve it. She has abused and neglected the two boys, but Carl is so used to being pushed around and used by people that he feels like it’s his job to carry other people’s burdens for them. To reverse this automatic response, Carl has to remember that he is an individual with his own life, past and actions. Even so, for Carl to overcome his family reputation, he has to work hard and endure criticism to prove that he is a good person. Through his hard labour on the barge and good nature, Skip Duncan realises that he was wrong to judge Carl since he is not at all like the rest of his family, but a hardworking,

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