
Bridge To Wiseman's Cove Quotes

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The Australian 1996 classic “A Bridge to Wisemans Cove” written by James Moloney explores the adventures of Carl Matt, a 15 soon to be 16 year old boy who learns how to find himself in a small tourist town close to the beach, Carl Matt faces the dilemmas of growing to become his own unique person due to the reputation the Matt family has given him, this also leads Carl to have insecurities about his body and have low self-worth and self-esteem. Throughout the book Carl learns how to be himself and how to love others as much as himself.
The novel, “A Bridge to Wiseman’s Cove” has reference to family reputation all throughout the text between family and friends due to the setting of the book wattle beach being a small tourist town showing that …show more content…

Its account on the boy, Little Graham your grandfather killed him” After aunt Beryl points this out, Carl feels guilty because of the sins of his grandfather and he is no better than any other Matt and they all behave in the same manner as it is implied in this quote “They’ve hated us for all this time”. Even though Carl feels responsible for the death of skips son, he strives to prove to himself and everyone that he is not like the Matts through his words and his actions as the text recalls “Skip knew men well enough... saw what he …show more content…

To begin with body-image and self-worth is usually most vulnerable throughout adolescence in majority of the teenage characters. In the text, the main character Carl shows various examples of self-hate throughout the text an example of this is when Carl looks at himself in the mirror and the text proclaims “he habitually held his hands over his middle as camouflage” this shows that he dislikes his body image making him seem more vulnerable and socially awkward. Due to this he is ruined in other aspects of his life such as when he is at school as it says in the text “he pictured himself, a bloated pincushion on sturdy legs. A slow moving target” the symbolism in the quote proclaims that Carl thinks of a “bloated pincushion” which make himself seem hopeless and vulnerable to others from his size. Carl also feels this way because there is no one there to care for him and due to this it reduces his self-worth and since he is being bullied at school his self-esteem reduces due to the lack of care and consideration of others. Throughout the text more characters are discovered that are going through the same thing as Carl such as Justine a close friend of Carl who has low self-esteem and has troubles state ‘“just as well I’ve got lots of padding” she laughed… “That’s one advantage I have over you”’ this shows that she attempts to cover her personal insecurities by laughing at them by saying it is “padding” like

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