
Brief History: The Destruction Of The Hawaiian Kingdom

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The overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom was unjust and unfair to some. It took the Queen Liliuokalani and her brother King David Kalakaua out of the monarchy. Due to the foreigners forcing Kalakaua to sign the Bayonet Constitution Hawaiians lost many of their rights they use to have. Hawaiians suffered and lost many of their privileges, according to Chapter 14 in “History of the Hawaiian Kingdom.” Now today Hawaii has many changes in it due to these incoming foreigners.

The Hawaiians lost plenty of their rights and were taken away many of their rights and abilities they had before the foreigners came to Hawaii. One thing they lost was their rights to vote and having a say on what they wanted and thought, According to Debate’s article, “Was it right for the United States to take Over Hawaii.”Another thing they lost was their reign of ali’i and their monarchy. The new law of the Constitution took away most of the King’s power and was allowed to only control what the cabinet approved on. Later the Hawaiian Kingdom had perished. The Annexation club had made a new government and Hawaii was now Annexed to the United States. …show more content…

Hawaii is populated with many different varieties of people now. With Hawaii having all these different races and ethnicities, it has brought many diseases and sickness’ from all around the world. It has killed a lot of people and lives. With Hawaii having the new provisional government, now anybody can become a mayor or governor, etc. People with hawaiian blood can vote but they still didn’t have as much of the rights they use to when the foreigners took it away. Until this day many of Native Hawaiians were known as freedom fighters for fighting against the foreigners for their

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