
Brief Summary Of Raven's Peak '

Decent Essays

I rate Raven’s Peak 3 out of 4, I feel it could have had a little more detail to get a clear picture. There was some points with very good detail descriptions, but some parts were lacking a little bit. The story line kept me hooked all the way to the end so I’m not rating a 1 or 2. Raven’s Peak is about a girl named Abigail. She is part of a secret society called the Council. The Council’s job is to keep supernatural activity kept secret from the world. Abigail is an agent from the Council, she is known as a hunter. She mainly looks into things for the Council, strange activity going on anywhere in the world. She is also sent to kill members of the Ninth Circle, demon worshipers, the members she hunts down and kills have accepted a demon to live within their body. She does what the council asks but she has another objective in mind, finding her mentor/father. After a demon took control over her body, the demon left her body for her mentors and the demon took her mentor straight to hell with him. As she is working for the Council she runs into one of the Council members son. He was closed off from what was happening in the world. Since he met Abigail his eyes were opened to the truth. …show more content…

I wish I knew more about what happened to Arthur, for him to be in a jail type place. There was a lot of suspense and a lot of questions in the beginning, some questions got answered others didn’t. There was some good detail throughout, almost seemed as though I was watching everything happen like I was right there. The fight between Arthur and the demon was most suspenseful, I couldn’t take my eyes off the fight. It felt like if I looked away I might miss something important. After the fight everything went black in a sense, then time moved

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