
Brown V Ferguson Case

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As it neared one hundred years after the onset of the interstate conflict which centered around slavery’s place in the United States, black citizens were still deprived of the rights guaranteed to all Americans by the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment, prompting the premier civil rights organization, the NAACP, to seek equality through the most logical method, overruling the legal base of the institution. The Brown v. Board ruling in 1954 seemed to be the death knell of segregation wrought by the 1896 Plessy v. Ferguson case. Unfortunately the movement of mass resistance proved to be able to out-maneuver law, particularly in the south, thanks to segregationist majorities holding legislative, executive, and law enforcing power. To force the judicially mandated desegregation on reluctant southern states the NAACP focused on universities, as they …show more content…

95). Making use of heavy racist overtones, many Georgia state officials spoke of segregation of state schools, while unabashedly being motivated by racism, as being the chief representation of the exercise of states’ rights. Amusingly, this argument was so integral to the matter, that segregationist ally of UGA Charles Bloch published a book title state’s rights: the Law of the Land, (pg. 50), allowing him to give legal counsel having literally written the book on the subject. UGA officials, of course, asserted that they maintained impartiality in regards to race when making their decision, regardless of the ample segregationist views among the staff. NAACP lawyers countered that despite these claims these ideas were clearly the reason for the rejection of Ward, Holmes, and Hunter, which is a clear violation of both the fourteenth amendment and the Brown v. Board

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