
Bryan Stevenson's 'Section One Just Mercy'

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Section One Just Mercy: Option #2 Book Review
The stories of long grueling hours at his own law firm and driving hours away from home to help clients are the vertebrae of Bryan Stevenson’s book, Just Mercy. Rather than a terribly persuasive story filled with solutions to making this world a better place; Stevenson marries his triumphs and failures of being an lawyer to the emotional journey him and his clients take everyday. This formula allows readers to be stimulated throughout the entirety of the book whilst possibly making truer views and opinions about our country’s justice system. As a young lawyer fresh out of law school Stevenson immediately takes risky and close to impossible cases on death row. Spending almost all of his time in prisons he finds an extreme passion for the rightful justice of prisoners who are waiting in a cell to reach the electric chair. This immediate bravery from Stevenson surprised me and inspired me all …show more content…

It used to mean creating a life by having the freedom to pursue anything you can imagine. Now I agree that the American Dream is dead because it seems to happen to so few and to people who have been set up for success. The hoops poverished people have to jump through to get a good education and the amount of money it costs to reach those goals is ridiculous.
· Arguments such as Grace Lee Boggs’ to “redefine the American Dream” I believe is greatly needed in our country. Boggs’ argues that we need a new sense of community and helpfulness towards one another in our cities and I agree. I think we won't know what the new American Dream will be until we fix these problems in our government systems. Once we do this we know how to help each other without an external and personal gain. This is crucial in our communities and situations are just getting worse. We need to build a new country and a new American Dream.

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