
Bryant's Hospital Revenue Cycle Process

Satisfactory Essays

What problems will the internal audit discover?
Internal audit will discover flaws in Bryant’s Hospital revenue cycle process. One problem, is the untimely of processing claims for patients and third party billers. This issue will not only delay payment which the hospital needs, but it will increase their Account receivable account, due to aged accounts.
How will the hospital address these problems?
The hospital can make sure that all staff who works in Accounts receivables are properly trained and educated in revenue cycle process. The can also hire more full time or temporary staff to help keep up with the volume of claims. Management sure have weekly rounding with their staff to see where their employees are with their workload and hear …show more content…

“Coding errors candelay payments until corrected and can initiate federal investigations and resulting fines.” (Nowicki 2018 p259).
Are you the sole reason for the late billing?
No, the charge analyst has a part in the late billing, but is not fully responsible. Patient Billing is a process and the issue could had started with Preadmission, Admission or the Medical record being inaccurate or not completed in a timely fashion.
Who else should be held accountable?
The charge analyst superior should be held accountable for not checking the progress on their employees. Medical staff should be held accountable if they are delaying the medical records information to be billed. “Departments has significant pressure to process medical records in a timely fashion so that the physician could attest to the final diagnosis, which was required prior to bill submission.” (Nowicki 2018 p259).
Are the patients still responsible for the late billing?
Yes. Patients are still responsible for late billing because they did received service from Bryant Hospital. They may can contest the late fees, if the hospital applied it to their bill because it was the hospital error and not the patient.
What if they refuse to pay because the hospital was not upfront about the cost?
The patient can be turned over to a collection agency for delinquency and the hospital will write the bill off on their bad debt account. “The organization turns accounts over to a collection agency.” (Nowicki 2018

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