
Bubonic Plague Dbq Analysis

Satisfactory Essays

Azarria Williams

The Bubonic Plague or ´´Black Death´´, was the disease that killed one-third of Europe´s population. The things that scares people the most was; the spread through Europe, the symptoms,and the reactions. The spread of this disease ran through Europe all started in Italy in 1348. In the passage,in document 1, it states that, ´´Northeast of Europe was the last region of Europe that got affected by the Bubonic Plague´´. The Bubonic Plague was moving east to west. It was in Asia before it hit Europe. The symptoms of the people who were affected started to have swellings in the groin and armpit. Anybody could have them the size of an apple and the shape of an egg. In document 2, it says,´´The common people called

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