
California Suffered The Driest Year

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California suffered the driest year in its recorded history in 2013 (Erdman, 2014). In January of 2014 Governor Jerry Brown identified the drought as a State of Emergency for California and asked that all state officials take actions to help the communities hit the hardest and asked all Californians to cut their water usage by at least 20 percent (Governor Brown Signs Drought Legislation, 2014). The governor and lawmakers in California put together a relief program that gives 687 million in relief to help with the drought and fund conservation improvement, irrigation efficiency and clean up for contaminated groundwater (Governor Brown Signs Drought Legislation, 2014). California is suffering a drought that is forcing the state to design a …show more content…

This executive order which I signed today, it 's long, it covers a number of different details. In fact, I 've never seen one quite like it before. People should realize," he continued, "we 're in a new era. The idea of your nice little green grass getting lots of water every day – that could be a thing of the past" (“How Low Can Snow Go,” para. 4). According to the State Water Resources Board (2015), there are water conservation actions that must be taken by the public, restaurants, and water suppliers to meet the state requirements. The public must stop using potable water to wash sidewalks and driveways, using hoses with no shutoff nozzles to wash cars, using potable water in decorative water features that do not recirculate the water, and using outdoor irrigation during and 48 hours following measurable precipitation. Restaurants and other food service establishments can only serve water to customers upon request and hotels and motels must provide guests with the option of not having towels and linens laundered daily (“Emergency Conservation Regulations,” n.d, 2015). Water suppliers must impose restrictions on outdoor irrigation, notify customers about leaks that are within the customer’s control, report on water use monthly and report on compliance and enforcement ((“Emergency Conservation Regulations,” n.d, 2015). The state of California has are large gap between the amount of water that people use and the

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