
Can Epidemics Be Avoided?

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Can Epidemics be Avoided? Epidemics can happen anywhere and can strike at any time. An epidemic is a spreading of a disease in a community that attacks numerous people. An example of an epidemic today is the recent outbreak of Ebola. Ebola has ravished throughout Africa for about a year and the United States has only had a few cases of it just recently. The United States and other countries have communicated with one another so outbreaks don’t occur and Ebola remains isolated to one country. Two well-known epidemics were the bubonic plague and the parrot fever. Two articles that explore these two epidemics are Barbara Tuchman’s “This Is the End of the World”: The Black Death and Jill Lepore’s It’s Spreading. Epidemics can be a serious problem but they can be avoided by discovering treatments for the epidemics and by countries communicating with one another. Epidemics can be a serious problem and need to be avoided in order to save millions of lives. The bubonic plague killed millions of people but no one knows just how many people. Froissart, a historian of the time, estimated that a third of the world had been killed of the plague (Tuchman 598). Parrot fever had less devastating effects on the world but if not treated as well as it was, the fever could have turned into a nationwide epidemic. According to Dr. Charles Armstrong, a pathologist, there was 169 cases nationwide and 33 deaths (Lepore 613). In Tuchman’s article it mentions that in crowded Avignon 400 people died

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