
Capitalism Vs. Socialism: Does It Lead To Greed?

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In St. Thomas Aquinas’s document on how greed can create unhappiness can be summed up in one phrase, ”money make the world go round.” The more you do in one task might result in higher monetary results and the more this happens, then we want more and more, and then greed develops? Wealth does play a factor in social value, but does it lead to greed? Capitalism vs Socialism? In order to minimize our greed in America and maximize social value of wealth, we need to look to our government. There are many programs/laws that need to be fixed, but two come to mind. First we need to look at how we are taxing. The tax system and the endless loops in the system for Corporations and even individuals is cumbersome and creates greed and gaming. …show more content…

So is greed for gain the issue or maybe it’s the drive to make more to pay for all the government programs we have/taxes we must pay. Or the extreme other side; where many feel they are entitled. It’s government charity at its finest. Over 35% of the Americans are on welfare. And the number is higher if you count in those who are using other government aid it goes almost to 50%. In Michael Norton’s video, I agree it feels better to give, but in the case of high taxes which go to support the people who choose not work this is not the “Robin Hood, give from the rich to the poor” because we do not have the choice on the give; we do not reap the benefit of feeling good about paying for someone who has been on welfare their whole life. (To be clear I do believe some need our support; vets, disabled, etc. I am referring to those who choose not to work.) The feeling of giving only happens when a person can make that decision personally. One might argue that we are given a choice on taxes and the creation/support of welfare, because we vote and choose our elected officials. The earmarks, the gaming, all the clauses (based on someone’s agenda) has grown over the years in our government and we have in turn have ‘breed’ the entitled

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