
Essay about Capitalism in Marx and Weber

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The Concept Of Capitalism In Marx And Weber; What Is The Contemporary Relevance Of Their Ideas?

At the later nineteenth century many social and economical ideas were developed because of the past revolutions and the present conflict of individuals and organised assemblies. Capitalism, one of these ideas, leads bourgeoisie to dream of a capitalist society in order to advance their maintain lifestyle and gain wealth. This economic system which is dominated by private business and the principles of production are for profit works in side of the bourgeoisies. The employees, working to these businesses, carry out the production but don’t own it. They produce «commodities» as they are called by Marx, which belong to the …show more content…

The ruling class increased at the expense of the subject class and a conflict of interest developed between them. This can be demonstrated by Marx’s view of the nature of ownership and production in capitalist societies. According to Marx, in a capitalist economy, goods are the labour power; raw materials and machinery used to produce them are given an economic value. The employer buys labour power, Marx says: “more accurately, I think, he buys the right to use the worker's powers for a day”. Also, he argued that capital was owned by the capitalist class which produced nothing and gained its wealth from the exploitation of the mass of the population the labour.

“Those who produced lost the control of the product of their labour and the process of production” (Marx). Marx developed the theory of alienation since he believed that workers through capitalism were alienated. According to this, things that naturally belong together are separated and because of some forces are not in harmony. In his writings he mostly referred to the alienation of people from aspects of their “human nature”. His theory is based upon his observation that under capitalism in rising industrial production, workers unavoidably lose control of their lives and selves because they can’t control their work. Consequently, workers never become autonomous. Alienation exists in capitalism societies because in work each provides common wealth, but can only express this

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