
Carpe Diem Meaning

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YOLO --- Really? With the word Carpe diem, we always think about phrases like “Seize the day” or “live in the present”, which urges people to do what they want to do today and do not wait for tomorrow. In 1700s poetry Carpe diem usually means “You only got one shot--do not miss your chance to blow, cause opportunity comes once in a lifetime, yo.” People sometimes consider yolo as a synonym of carpe diem, however, “You only live once” focus more on the willingness of taking risk, such as driving 120 mph down the road for fun. Therefore, in someway Yolo has more negative affect than Carpe diem, because it can cause huge consequences. Teenagers love to use yolo as an excuse or reason when they do something stupid, some quintessential examples:

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