
Case : Foreign Funding Of Civil Society

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Case 173 of 2011
To illustrate things more, in 2011, case was opened by an order from the cabinet to the Ministry Of Justice, and was known in the media as "Case on Foreign Funding of Civil Society". The Minister set up an act-finding committee, to look into the origins and reasons of national human rights organizations receiving foreign funds from either foreign states or foreign international organizations. The committee launched its report on September 2011, and it contained reports from National Security Agency, and General Intelligence that also included names of international organizations working in Egypt that got suspended and sentenced.
The case continues, and in June 2013, the court sentenced 43 foreign and Egyptian employees to …show more content…

United Group’s accountant was also summoned on March 15.
According to deputy Middle East director at Human Rights Watch, Nadim Houry, in a statement, The Egyptian authorities have moved beyond scaremongering and are now rapidly taking concrete steps to shut down the last critical voices in the country’s human rights community.
It is worth mentioning that according to Kilany, all the organizations that were subjected to closures or freezing of its assets, were operating legally and under the rule of law. All their registrations were perfectly legal, either as a law firm, or a not-for-profit, or as in the case of AL-Nadeem Center a medical clinic. Their funding was transmitted transparently through their formal bank accounts.
However, according to the UN General Assembly, since the freedom of association is a right that can 't be forbidden by any country law, or force the organizations to register under a specified law, it states that: "the right to freedom of association protects unregistered associations on an equal footing".
Draft Law of Nov.

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