
Case Of Cathy Budde's Unidentified Women

Decent Essays

An unidentified woman in Colorado Springs has been pooping in front of Cathy Budde’s yard at least once a week for seven weeks. The unidentified woman was first caught defecating in front of Budde’s house by Budde’s children, she was squatting in front of Budde’s yard. Budde’s children stated 'There's a lady taking a poop!', so Budde goes out and asks the woman “Are you really taking a poop right here in front of my kids!?” and the woman says “Yeah, sorry!”. Even after being told something my Budde, the unidentified woman still continued to poop in Budde’s yard. The woman even went as far as to change the time she did her business because knew the family was watching. Budde even put a sign that read: 'please, I'm begging you, please stop.',

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