
Case Study: E. D. Patient, Delia

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On Saturday 10/17/2015, at 2210 hours, Security Officer Omar Alonso was approached by discharged E.D. patient, Delia Colon (FIN# 84715193) and told that she had left her prescription eye glasses inside room A-5 about 15 minutes prior when she was discharged. The Officer went and checked the room and the Environmental Services employee Mayra Reyes who had done a quick turn-around (cleaning) of the room was spoken to but no one reported seeing the glasses. The Officer then, spoke to the E.D. staff working in the area but no one had any information as to the whereabouts of the eyeglasses. The Officer was informed by the patient that she had left them before going to X-ray and that was the last time she remembers seeing them. Ms. Colon filled out

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