
Case Study: Kern County Homeless Shelters

Decent Essays

Methods Participants Participants (270 participants overall) will be recruited at Kern County Homeless Shelters. (Thus, cluster sampling will be used.)The criteria is that the individuals must be 18 years or older, must be homeless (defined as living on the streets or in a shelter for at least 3 weeks). The individual’s eligibility will be determined if the criteria is met.The amount of participants is justified due to the sensitive nature of the subject and due to numerous factors indicating homelessness. It is also a good amount that reflects the ideal homeless population in Kern County and it leaves the margin of error at 5% and 95% confidence level. Procedures Participants will be informed thoroughly of research and its intention …show more content…

For individuals who cannot read or write, the consent will be read out loud and explain thoroughly. The participant may sign the consent with an “X” as the California State Law recognizes valid (SEE APPENDIX A).After the consent has been signed, participants will be explained on how to take the survey. A trained interviewer will specifically demonstrate how to answer the question using sample questions. Illiterate participants will be instructed by a trained interviewer on how to use the recorder and will demonstrate a couple trials. All participants will be assured they may ask questions or concerns about the survey; they will be stated that they may decline to continue at any point of the survey. After this, all participants will be handed their necessary materials (SEE APPENDIX B & …show more content…

The participants will be filling out the questionnaire with pencil and paper, whereas illiterate participants will be responding orally. Recorders and tapes will be provided as well. - Measurement and Confounding factors This is a descriptive research, which purposes to identify the causation and leading factors of homelessness. In order to measure construct variables such as stress, amount of social support the individual received will be measured in regards to homelessness. There may be potential skew in data due to inaccurate reported data and misinterpretation, since it will be based on the individual’s self report and there are limitations in participant’s memories. Nonresponsive bias may occur when participants opt out from partaking in the research and may have responded differently compared to other participants that did. -Ethical Considerations Potential risks may involve of social harm and even psychological harm, which may stem from retrieving memories that may have been traumatizing events. However, these individuals will be asserted that their information will not be disclosed and will be provided with adequate resources to assist

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