
Case Study Of Incarcerated Parents

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The Dilemma Our client Tonya Morris is currently in foster care after her mom left her behind with an unwilling caregiver sixteen days after her father, Terence Calvert, was incarcerated. Tonya has been in the same foster family for nearly nineteen months and knows nothing outside of this family. Tonyas biological mother, Paula Morris, has a reputation of long time drug use and has been unable to locate since she left her. While Tonya was in utero she was exposed to drugs causing developmental delays and she went through drug withdrawal as an infant. Her foster family has expressed their desire to adopt her on more than one occasion. Her biological father, Terence, also has the desire to reunite and raise Tonya after he is released from incarceration. …show more content…

After being released from prison, the biological parents may have a harder time finding a job, obtaining housing and possibly obtaining welfare assistance (D’Andrade & Valdez, 2012). There is a lot of challenges and hardships that Terence Calvert will have to face just by being released from prison. Scholars have suggested that reunification can possibly be impossible due to the many obstacles the parents have to face after prison (D’Andrade & Valdez, 2012). Although there have been many studies done that advocate for children to return to their biological families, recent studies have shown reunification as a change that influences psychological functioning (Lau, Litrownik, Newton, & Landsverk, 2013). Tonya’s foster family is all she has ever known. A change in environment can cause Tonya to feel distressed and can take a toll on her developmental delays. Her every single need is being met and most importantly she is cared well for. Tonya’s needs are very demanding for a toddler with developmental delays and as of right now they are being met with no hesitation nor

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