
Case Study Of Orthodontics

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The goal of orthodontic treatment is to improve functional occlusion and facial appearance.(1) Awareness of how facial appearance affects quality of life has rapidly increased the demand for such treatment. Mostly, the major driving factor for seeking orthodontic treatment is to enhance facial esthetics thereby minimizing psychosocial problems.(2,3) Studies of oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in orthodontics are of great significance as they provide information regarding the therapeutic requirements and outcome as well as the long term health improvement.(4) Based on the patient’s perception, they can ensure better treatment choices.(5) Self-ligating brackets are famous in orthodontics because of their proposed superior properties including low static frictional resistance, full and stable archwire engagement, improved oral hygiene, preserved anchorage, reduced chair time and therapeutic time, and prolonged intervals between appiontments.(6-9) Several authors have compared treatment efficiency,(7) friction,(8) speed of archwire changes,(9) treatment time,(10) and initial alignment of the mandibular arch(11) between self-ligating and conventional brackets, but the patient’s views were often not given importance. Further, although studies of pain and …show more content…

Further, the bracket systems particularly the self ligating brackets used in this study had different manufacturer-specified therapeutic intervals, which could have introduced bias, because a longer interval would have allowed adaptation to the appliance and thus affected the reporting of OHRQoL. The study was initially planned to have a sample of 30 patients per group, as proposed by Roscoe.(23) However, because of the stringent inclusion criteria and required therapeutic time, only 15 patients could be recruited in each

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