
Casey Anthony In Fahrenheit 451

Decent Essays

When one is reading a fictional story about heroic deeds done in far off places, one cannot help but compare this fantasy world to the society in which we live. This is often the case as one reads Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury in which it is amazing how accurately Bradbury described the future’s technology. Within his novel, Bradbury tells the story of a world where books are forbidden because they are not seen as desirable by their society. The remarkable similarities do not come from the plot about banned books; rather, they stem from the societal misdemeanors that occur throughout the book. Beatty’s external reaction toward his internal conflict between literature and his job is similar to the drug influenced man who began cannibalizing on the Miami Causeway. The Casey Anthony trial mirrors the child neglect displayed within the novel, and the Trayvon Martin murder case …show more content…

Throughout Fahrenheit 451, Bradbury writes about delinquencies committed by characters within the books that are viewed as normal within their society, but would be illegal in ours. The occurrence of minor child neglect seen by parents in Fahrenheit 451 corresponds to the Casey Anthony murder trial in 2011. In 2008, Casey Anthony filed a report in Orange County, Florida claiming that her child went missing after being dropped off at Zenaide Fernandez-Gonzalez’s residence. This accusation is similar to the statement by Mrs. Bowles in Fahrenheit 451 that, “I plunk the children in school nine days out of ten. I put up with them when they come home three days a month … You heave them into the ‘parlor’ and turn the switch. It’s like washing clothes; stuff laundry in and slam the lid.” Although this is not a prime example of child neglect, these children are deprived of the maternal love. This neglect leaves emotional scars that are also neglected within this society. This corresponds to the not-guilty verdict Casey Anthony

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