
Goodman Brown Thesis

Decent Essays

Castle 1
The Dual (Good and Evil) Sides of Human Nature
ENGL 102: Composition and Literature
Spring B 2017
Teresa Castle, L26467226

Castle 2
THESIS: In their individual short stories "Young Goodman Brown,” by Nathaniel Hawthorne and "The Rocking-Horse Winner" by D. H. Lawrence are more different than similar but “Young
Goodman Brown” and “The Rocking Horse Winner” use the setting, characterization, and symbolism to depict the reasoning of acting morally or immorally.
I. The settings of “Young Goodman Brown” and “The Rocking-Horse Winner” portray two different scenes for the presence of evil.
A. The setting of “Young Goodman Brown” is of forests and darkness which is a part of portraying evil.
B. The setting of “The …show more content…

H. Lawrence they are more different than similar but “Young
Goodman Brown” and “The Rocking Horse Winner” use the setting, characterization, and symbolism to depict the reasoning of acting morally or immorally.
In “Young Goodman Brown,” the setting is based on the historic background and takes place during the Puritan Time Period. The story takes place in the Salem Village near the forest which makes the reader associate this story with witchcraft and evil. Many people believed that the forest was the devil’s home. The story starts out with Goodman and Faith in their home with
Goodman saying his goodbyes to Faith and tells her to go on to bed and to say her prayers. “Say thy prayers, dear Faith, and go to bed at dusk, and no harm will come to thee” (Hawthorne 91).
Goodman sets off walking into the forest and it quickly turns dark and the deeper he goes into the woods the darker it becomes. Hawthorne depicts that evil is not present until the dark of the night. In “The Rocking-Horse Winner,” the setting is nothing as dark as in “Young Goodman
Brown.” The setting is a nice house suitable for a young boy such as Paul to live. One can assume that the story may take place somewhere in England. The darkness appears when Paul tells of the house talking to him saying “There must be more money! There must be more money!” (Lawrence 234). The house becomes eerie after it soaks up the mother’s self-pity and greed. Lawrence depicts in this story that evil can be

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