
Catcher In The Rye Quotes

Decent Essays

The Catcher in the Rye
Literary term utilized in this quote: Metaphor
"Anyway, it was the Saturday of the football game with Saxon Hall. The game with Saxon Hall was supposed to be a very big deal around Pencey. It was the last game of the year, and you were supposed to commit suicide or something if old Pencey didn't win."(page 4)
Response to quote:
⦁ 1)The literary term I chose, metaphor, is used in this quote when it said "and you were supposed to commit suicide or something" and when the author uses the term "or something" refers to the quote as a metephor exactly listed as they are not going to commit suicide.
⦁ 2) The possible reasons the author chose this quote was to catch the readers attention to keep reading if the school really …show more content…

Thousands of little kids, and nobody's around-nobody big, I mean except me. And I'm standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. What I have to do, I have to catch everbody if they start to go over the cliff- I mean if they're running and they don't look where they're going I have to come out from somewhere and catch them. That's all I'd do all day. I'd just be the catcher in the rye and all. I know it's crazy, but thats the only thing I'd really like to be. I know it's crazy."(page 191)
Response to quote:
⦁ 1) The literary term being used is speaker where the main character, Holden, was speaking when it read "I said" to his little sister Phoebe.
⦁ 2) The reason why the author chose this term for the quote is to show he liked to share his thoughts to his sister Phoebe.
⦁ 3) This quote reflect the theme which Holden wants to be that person who catches or saves all those people ready to fall.
⦁ 4) I really don't understand what is happening here because I don't know what is the purpose of being the catcher in the rye. This event seems important because it shows what Holden wants to come to save or catch everyone that is ready to fall off the …show more content…

They looked sort of poor...The kid was swell. He was walking in the street, instead of on the sidewalk, but next to the curb. He was making out like he was walking in a staight line, the way kids do, and the whole time he was singing and humming. I got up closer so I could hear what he was singing. He was singing that song, "If a body catch a body coming through the rye." (page 128)
Response to quote:
⦁ 1) The literary term used in this quote is symbol which this quote symbolizes the title of the book "The Catcher in the Rye" which the little boy is singing the catcher in the rye and the title is the same.
⦁ 2)The possible reasons the author might have used the term in this quote is to show how Holden got the idea of the way he wants to become the catcher in the rye because he heard some little boy sing the song.
⦁ 3) This quote reflect the theme of which Holden is how he got the idea of why he wanted to became the catcher in the rye.
⦁ 4) This event seems to be impotant because this is based on the title of the book, "The Catcher in the Rye". I really don't understand this quote because I don't really understand the meaning of what is a catcher in the

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