
Categorical Imperatives

Satisfactory Essays

Immanuel Kant’s goal was to ground morality in human reason rather than another source. Kant believed that through reason we can find a supreme moral principle. This foundational principle is from what morality grows. Diving deeper Kant explains that morality is about fulfilling one's duties. Thus meaning a person's intentions makes an action moral, immoral or amoral. These actions are split into three types of actions
1.) Contrary to duty(immoral)
2.) In accordance with duty for some other reason(Amoral)
Fear of punishment
Ulterior motive
3.) Action done from duty(Moral)
Our duty comes from either perfect duty or imperfect duty. Perfect duty is negatively worded almost always asking to refrain from a certain action that is always obeyed. Imperfect duty is positively worded where we choose when and where the duty applies because the duty requires action on our part. Duties then lead to imperatives which are commands. There are two types of imperatives: …show more content…

For example if one wants to play the piano well then one should practice.
Categorical Imperatives which are moral commands that must be followed no matter what and are derived from reason. For example, do not kill.
What Kant is looking for is a supreme moral principle otherwise know as The categorical imperative which holds within it categorical imperatives. So in order to know if something is moral we can understand categorical imperatives through 4 formulations which are:
Humanity: Never act in such a way that we treat humanity, whether in ourselves or in others, as a mere means
Autonomy: Act through your maxims you could be a legislator of universal laws.
Kingdom of ends: “act in accordance with the maxims of a member giving universal laws for a merely possible kingdom of ends”(Johnson, Kant's Moral

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