
Catfish: Time and Nev

Decent Essays

Catfish Essay
Social Media has changed and improved the way that we live today. We can become friends with people who live on the opposite side of us in the earth. Also social media can combined the people who live in the south side of the earth with the people who live in the north side. People can share their pictures, check out what they interested in and can be in communication with each other by calling each other in video. But how can we know whether those people are saying the truth about their personality, which is name, age, and picture, or not. Usually we don’t even ask ourselves if these people could be totally faking than whom they really are. Nev Schulman, a New York City photographer, is an example of people who believe …show more content…

Nev and his colleagues went and make a surprised visit to Abby and her family. Before they even show up, they went out and checked out Meg’s farm, to find out if she even really lives in a same place that she said or not. Once they get there, they realized it was deserted and up for sale. Early in the morning Nev headed over to where Abby lives. Angela, Abby’s mother, doesn’t look like her pictures, and neither does her father Vince. Nev now knows that his

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