
Catholic Explanation Of Scripture

Decent Essays

The Catholic approach attempts to find the truth by the interpretation and explanation of Scripture includes three exegetical methodologies which are: reading, interpreting, and understanding. Specifically, exegesis takes into account a thorough critical analysis of the meaning of biblical scriptures in terms of their historical and literary context. These methods play a role and contribute to our understanding of Scripture and this includes: 1) ideological criticism, is the examination of bias, assumption, or strongly held beliefs which may influence biases; 2) literary criticism, which focuses on context of the written text including the author, language, time it was written, genre, plot, characters and symbolism; 3) sociohistorical criticism, explores the “conditions of life” (i.e. geography, customs, traditions, religious practices, cultures, social norms, and family life. For example, ideological and sociohistorical criticism is evidenced in the letter to the Ephesians about morality of slavery. This letter reflects the time it was written as slavery was accepted and considered to be the “norm” in those days. However, the author suggests to the Ephesians that they “should be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, …show more content…

For example, the author (John) is illustrating that Jesus is the anointed one by depicting the woman as not a believer at first. But, when Jesus describes the “living water” that springs eternal life she starts to believe in the “truth” that Jesus is the Messiah and the anointed one who “will tell us everything”. Jesus goes on to persuade the woman about worshiping God the Father because all people are united by God’s truth. The author’s strongly held belief in Jesus as the Messiah is interpreted as the power of persuasion. That is, Jesus accepts everyone into his kingdom no matter where they are from, who they worship, or who they

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