
Cause And Effect Essay About Drugs

Satisfactory Essays

The United States represents 5% of the world's population and 75% of prescription drugs taken. 60% of teens who abuse prescription drugs get them free from friends and relatives. Drugs are extremely bad and affect our everyday body functions and for the future. As a kid in elementary school growing up, we were told to say “NO” to drugs or for some, D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education). D.A.R.E is an education program that goings out to many K-12 schools and teaches the student to resist the use of drugs, alcohol, and bullying. During their seminars, they go over everything from interactions to appropriate role playing. These topics include drugs, bullying, alcohol, anti-social behavior, and volatile substances. As a kid, its very important that they know about these drugs at a young age because its start of when they want to do the cool thing with all their friends and experiment. In this essay I will discuss about the different types of influences drugs have and how they can affect us. These include psychological, biological, and social cultural. Psychology is defined as the study of human behavior and the mind. Even though there could be many reasons why people get addicted to drugs so easily, there are two causes that psychologists believe could play a big role in. The first cause is thoughts and beliefs. This refers to what the mind believes is true and encouraging the brain to do it. Once the person starts taking these drugs it can make a huge affect over time by developing a tolerance for it as well as motor control damage. Therefore, the more the user abusing it, the more it affects the user’s behavior. This can include but not limited to: learning impairment, violent behavior, memory issues, anxiety, hearing and vision problems, less motivated, and depending on the drug, reducing oxygen flow to the brain. Also, if the user has abused the drug so much and decides to stop taking it, they can have withdrawals, which could also cause psychological damage. The second cause of addiction is a person’s developmental maturity. As a young adolescent you are maturing with time and always trying to fit in by doing things that are fun but not necessary the right thing to do. Due to the lack of maturity,

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