
Cause And Effect On Climate Change

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Climate change is when a change in the weather patterns takes place and last for an extended period of time, unfortunately the people that are poor are typically the ones effected the most by climate change because they tend to live in warmer climates that are more susceptible to climate change. "People who are socially, economically, culturally, politically, institutionally or otherwise marginalized are especially vulnerable to climate change," (Goldenberg, 2014) Since climate change is warming the earth, the countries that were already warm to start with, like places near the equator, are getting even warmer. This leads to multiple natural disasters, reoccurring droughts and frequent health risks. Additionally, it has also been proven that the people that are living in these poorer countries are the ones that are contributing the least to climate change, however, they are being effected the most by it. This is very unfair and a vicious cycle, as the people that are contributing the most to climate change are hardly being affected by it and therefore, continue to do it because it is not harming their way of life. Overall, climate change is the change in weather patterns and typically makes our climate warmer which effects poor people the most because they live in warmer climates which causes more natural disasters, health risks, and droughts.

Climate change is an environmental issue that effects everyone in some way, however, it tends to effect poor people the most.

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