
Causes And Conpects Of Child Labour In The Caribbean

Decent Essays

Child labour in the Caribbean

Children have an important place in our society. Investing financial resources is crucial for ensuring children can reach their potential.

Childhood is a unique stage in our development. The quality of food, water, affection and education that children receive can impact on their subsequent lives and their potential to become engaged and productive citizens. This time presents a unique opportunity for governments and organisations to ‘level the playing field’ for children from poorer backgrounds through investments.

Many businesses across the Caribbean recognise this and create opportunities to benefit millions of children across the region. Most recently, The Sandals Foundation, the non-profit arm of Sandals Resorts International, announced a new collaboration with School Specialty, Inc. for the Pack for a Purpose program. This partnership will further assist travellers to Sandals Resorts and Beaches Resorts, who wish to bring along much-needed supplies for local schools across the Caribbean supported by the company. The partnership comes at a crucial time following the effects Hurricane Matthew which has caused many problems regionally.

Unfortunately, childhood can be robbed from children when they become involved in child labour. Child labour is work that deprives children of their childhood, their potential and their dignity and that is is harmful to their development.

The ILO has defined child labour as a form of abuse and

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