
Causes And Effects Of Color Blindness

Decent Essays

Matthew Beras
Professor Kerr
December 7, 2017

Color blindness
Its affects and causes

Have you ever had color distinguishing primary colors? Because if you have this may be a eye disease. Color blindness. This is a vision problem in which you have trouble distinguishing specific colors such as red, green, blue and yellow. Color blindness is a condition normally your born with, but it can be gained throughout life. It is literally when your unable to detect all of the primary colors to sum it all up. It is not in fact a form of blindness, but a deficiency in ways you perceive color. It is a condition that is inherited. Its said that it affects males more than it affects women. There is an estimate by the association prevent blindness america that 8 percent of males and less than 1 percent of women have color distinguishing problems. It is mostly seen within men from northern European descent. Rare cases show that someone can inherit a trait that reduces the ability to see blue and yellow pigments.
There are two types of color deficiencies. One of them is monochromatism. This is when you typically have cones that do not function. This is when you have you vision based off of rods in dim and bright lights. They can only see colors in shades of lightness. Another type is dichromatism. Only when people are missing one of three cones. These people can base their perception of color based on two wavelengths to work with another wavelength.
Has anyone ever told you that the color

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