
Causes Of Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a mental illness that affects many Americans both young and old. It is a chronic disease that presents itself in many ways, including depression, hyperactivity, thoughts of grandeur, unusual amounts of energy and even suicidal thoughts. A person that is diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder exhibits mood swings that are extremely high, also called mania or hypomania to extremely lows called depression with moments of "normal moods" in between ("Manic Depression," n.d). The first signs of bipolar disorder are usually apparent in late teens or early adult years, but have been noticed in early childhood years. Even though most refer to bipolar disease as one disease by itself it actually covers …show more content…

According to one study, MRI reports showed the brain's prefrontal cortex in adults with bipolar disorder to be smaller and functioning at a lower level. Because of this, functions such as problem solving and decision making was impaired ("Bipolar Disorder," n.d). Some sources say there is an imbalance in the chemicals of the brain therefore causing certain disorders such as bipolar as well as other mood disorders. Many will agree that heredity plays a large role in the development of the disease. Bipolar disorder appears to be more common in those who have a family member that has been diagnosed with the condition, especially a first-degree relative such as a parent or sibling (Bipolar Disorder, 2002). Other factors that may play a role in the development of the disorder include high stress, drugs and alcohol, major life changes, and advanced paternal age at conception. Those that have experienced trauma such as childhood abuse have a greater chance of developing the disorder as well. Scientist have yet to discover one specific cause to the development of the disorder instead they have determined that a range of factors can play a role in its …show more content…

When experiencing a manic episode or “high” one may experience increased energy, lack of concentration, poor judgement, lack of sleep, thoughts of grandeur, euphoric mood, extreme irritability, increased sexual activity, impulsiveness, loud incessant talking, and risky behavior that is out of the norm. These feelings and behaviors can lead a person to believe that they are all-powerful, paranoid and even filled with rage. Because of these feelings, many turn to more detrimental behaviors such as gambling, spending sprees, and increased sexual

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