
Causes Of Hurricane Katrina

Decent Essays

Hurricane Katrina was a significant political disaster in intergovernmental relations.
There were many government leaders, agencies, and officials that were responsible for the political fallout of Katrina. There was a chain of events that involved many people that resulted in the failure of handling this disaster. Hurricane Katrina showed the weaknesses and lack of preparation of the government at the time.
There were a series of events that occurred leading up to Katrina that had very negative results and caused the government to fail in properly responding to the situation. The largest government reorganization in 40 years was the start of the political downfall of Hurricane
Katrina. Initiated by President Bush, over 22 federal agencies from all over the nation were moved around and had to work as one unit. This caused many problems for these agencies, specifically FEMA who is in charge of managing emergency situations. Bush also caused problems by putting Tom Ridge in charge of The U.S. Department of Homeland security; he was unqualified with no management experience. FEMA became a “sub-department of Homeland
Security”, and it could not compete with all of the other sub departments. 80 million dollars were removed from FEMA for homeland security; this caused a major loss of funds and resources for the “sub-department.” Another event that was a problem was New Orleans decided not to participate in Project Impact, a project designed to help cities at risk of disaster and

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