
Causes Of The Declaration Of Independence

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The Declaration of Independence was prompted by the long history of oppressive acts King George III of Great Britain imposed against the thirteen British Colonies. Such actions created tensions that continued to grow. Consequently, those actions led the colonists to not only grow indifferent towards Great Britain but to seek their independence to form a government of their own. Despite the numerous reasons to declare independence, there was still a great deal of opposition between colonists. Although many supported the idea of abandoning the Crown (Patriots), there were those who hoped for reconciliation (loyalists). For this reason, the supporters pointed to a history of acts carried out by the British government that they believed stripped away the rights and natural liberties of colonial America (“Declaration of Independence”). The Declaration of Independence was meant to convey to the American people and others the justification of breaking all political, economic, and social ties from England. King George’s actions had reached an unbearable level, he continuously vetoed laws that the colonies attempted to put in place. More specifically Jefferson writes: “He has refused his Assent to Laws the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.” describing how King George III constantly dismissed laws colonists believed to be beneficial to the general welfare of colonial Americans. Moreover, this proved the colonists to be strong believers of the phrase “Just Governments

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