
Causes Of The Era Of Reconstruction

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Following the era of reconstruction, the political and economic white elites were successful in depriving the minorities and poor whites from voting through multiple voting restricting measures. This led Texas to become an unmistakable big player in the notorious politics of the south, known for their conservative beliefs and their emphasis on tradition. The moment Anne Richards lost her race for the governorship in 1994 to George W. Bush, the Republican party would dominate and sweep all of the major offices. As of 2016, the lone star state's recent majority party, Republican, dominates all state offices, both of the houses in the state legislature and the Texas congressional delegation. Loyalty runs deep in the veins of the south along …show more content…

(Cunningham, 14) The series of states leaving the union inevitably led to the Civil War. During the Civil War, Texas fought on the side of the confederacy. Nevertheless, the causes of the war have been contested, but the clear answer is the state's fear of the abolition of slavery. So, when Texas was readmitted into the union, the nation fell period in American history called the Era of Reconstruction. The idea of reconstruction was to rebuild the south along with mending the relations between the north and south, or democrats or republicans. The democratic party prided themselves on their platform of white supremacy and racism with the implementation of Jim Crow laws. On the other hand, the republicans were the party of Lincoln and stood in opposition of the ideologies of the democratic parties. So, fast forward until the era of civil right infringements finally catching attention, the politicians started changing their ideas. The coveted democratic party became too liberal for the conservatives. So, the conservatives saw it as their mission to find a new party to which they just hopped onto the republican party. It’s not necessarily the parties that switched, it was the beliefs and …show more content…

Texas sits on the Mexican border to the United States so some may argue that immigration is an issue in the state. Mostly, it is the Republicans that bring up the cons of immigration, listing safety as a prime example. But, the biggest fear to them should be the voice of the immigrants. Immigration is booming in Texas and it shows no means of slowing down. Texas will become state but it will take some time because it will take sometime for the newer generation of voters to truly understand the importance of civil engagement. Texas has 4 of the 11 major growing cities in the United States as of 2015 where 85% of the growth is concentrated in urban cities. (Will, 1) Houston being one of the major cities is especially important because their population is 69.2% minority. So, when the minorities realize the importance of civil and political engagement, they’ll start to vote and Texas will see the change it so desperately

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