
Causes Of The Mexican-American War

Decent Essays

With the lives of men and women being stripped from them, were the Americans really at fault for this? The Mexican-American war lasted two years (1846-1848), with countless conflicting acts between both nations before the war occured. Mexico wanted more residents, so they offered land cheaply, and over 30,000 settlers lived in Texas. With over 30,000 people living in Texas, Mexico didn’t have a handle, and later, Texas declared their independence in 1836, asking Congress to annex them into the United States. The war between Mexico and the United States may be thought of as controversial, but the war was just, due to the Texans declaring their independence, the treatment towards the Texans, and the Mexican government’s foolishness. The battle …show more content…

According to Creating America, published by McDougal Littell, on page 402 to 403, “.. Texans drove Mexican troops out of an old mission in San Antonio that was used as a fortress. It was called the Alamo.” The Texans only had volunteers to steer off Santa Anna’s army of 6,000, they themselves had no army to protect them from the troops’ wrath. It lasted 13 days, and on the last day, all Texans but five were over, the deaths of 178 Texans happened and thus the battle ended. Yet, Santa Anna storms over there, and instead of waiting it out, he causes the deaths of many Americans. In Polk’s Declaration of War, it states, “.. but after a long-continued series of menaces, have at last invaded our territory and shed the blood of our fellow-citizens on our own soil…” The occurrence of 16 U.S. soldiers dead when Mexico stormed up to the troops was an unreasonable act. The action of Mexico sending troops to America’s land and shooting 16 dead, and while capturing 52, the Congress agreed to declaring war on Mexico for the harsh ways they treated their citizens and neighboring nation. The ways Mexico treated its newer citizens was only harsh, and spared no mind to how they were taking

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