
Causes Of The Sumerian Civilization

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The fall of a civilization is foreseeable, preventable, and looming at all times. By looking within our own history one can see the seeds of old destruction sprinkled within our own civilization. Within our own civilization one notices the seeds of the military overspending that crippled the Roman Empire, the deforestation that led to the downfall of the Easter Islands, and overuse of the land that Destroyed Maya, and a divisiveness that obliterated the Sumerian Civilization. By noticing that all of these factors are present in our society today and that all of them are preventable we can attempt to learn from our past and most our civilizations beyond the turning points of those who came before us. Rome was a massive civilization that had thrived for 453 years before it fell, many have heard the tales of barbarians assailing Rome and bringing it to it’s knees, however in it’s prime Rome could have defended against such threats. However during the fall of Rome, Rome was not at it’s prime, years of rampant military overspending, a massive territory that required an inflated military to defend and political corruption had hollowed out the power of Rome as a nation. As a nation of fast expansion Rome had pockets of it’s empire rebelling at all times with the Servile wars being an example of the devastation these revolutions could bring. These revolutions along with rapid changes in leadership and with that, different ideas on how to solve the problems facing the republic

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