
Cell Phones While Driving Persuasive Essay

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Research Proposal – Thesis, Major Points, and Plan Fiona Harris Professor: Virginia Rodriguez ENG 215: Research and Writing 10-22-17 The topic of my persuasive paper, I chose to research the issues surrounding the question, "Should regulations regarding the use of cell phones while driving be standardized?" I say absolutely, the safety of the millions of American motorists should be considered more important than convenience. The matter of this kind of behavior happens all day, every day across our nation. Especially for the young generation between the ages of 16-29 but lately. Despite the growing dependency on cell phone usage I 've also been seeing older people texting and driving to the point where they would drive entirely so slow …show more content…

A escalated large number of mobile phones has very much made the road safety community aware of the mishaps that can occur on the road by using your cell phone. Not one person is a better-distracted driver than the next. There 's no such thing as a good distracted driver because I hear a lot of people saying that they could drive but if you 're driving distracted you can 't drive. Everybody thinks that they are the perfect driver, but being a great driver consist of driving by the rules for your safety and others. For this reason, standardized regulations laws should be in all states where the use of cell phones and driving are concerned. Research shows that between 20 or 30 percent of automobile accidents happen in the United States while being distracted for any reason such as, talking on the phone in a heated conversation, eating, adjusting the radio, looking off, rubber necking, etc, indicates the increases the risk by four. Other studies, based on driver simulation tests, conclude that people have difficulty multitasking. I really can say that any distraction while driving is dangerous. Driving should have the primary focus, and that 's keeping your eyes on the road at all times because it could be just a second glance of look at something and next thing you know you 're riding over in the next lane. I think every state should have regulations regarding the use of mobile devices. My Intended audience will include my professor,

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