
Central Theme Of The Outsiders

Satisfactory Essays

S.E Hinton’s realistic fiction novel, The Outsiders, takes place in Tulsa, Oklahoma. There are different types of “gangs” in this part of Oklahoma. Such as the Socials (Socs) and the Greasers. The Socials are the preppy rich kids who think they can run anybody they want to. The Greasers are the boys that have slicked back hair and wear white tee-shirts, they aren’t rich. Ponyboy (a Greaser) walked out of the movie theater, wondering how he is going to get home. Some Socs pull up. Socs and Greasers seem to hate each other. The Socs jumped Ponyboy and hurt him. Ponyboys brothers Sodapop and Darry ran up making sure Ponyboy is okay! Some people may say the central theme of The Outsider is divided communities, I argue that the main theme is the

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