
Ceremonies And Rituals In Native American Culture

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Ceremonies and rituals play a vital role in the Native American culture. Their practices had a wide variety of effect on the people; they were believed to give strength to those in difficult times, as well as, celebrate milestones in someone’s life. Just like the stories we read in class, ceremonies and rituals were flexible with their meanings and could be manipulated to fit the need of the tribe at the time. They would be used during certain times of the year to incorporate things like the seasons, harvest time, puberty of the children, and more. There was a ritual for everything they needed.
The ritual I have created is done to honor the stars in the sky. The stars guide people as they navigate through the land, which is important in the …show more content…

I have anxiety and when it is particularly high or during an anxiety attack, I sit outside and look up at the stars. This calms me down and allows me to control my anxiety a little more. By looking at the stars, I am reconnecting with nature and it is helping me mentally. This reminds me of learning about the medicine wheel and how you need be healthy in all aspects in order to be overall healthy. For me, I am connecting my emotional, water element to the spiritual, fire element of the medicine wheel. I never realized the impact of the stars until I took this class. With the native belief that the stars are our ancestors, the stars could calm me down because they are really my ancestors looking down on me and guiding me to relaxation. I love to think about this because it shows that those we love are never gone from us, they will always be watching over me. I think the stars need to be honored to show their importance they …show more content…

Those going on the journey will be inside the circle and nearest the fire because they are the ones that need the luck and advice. The fire is a way to communicate with the stars because the Native Americans believe that the smoke is able to reach the skies. The people in the outer ring of circle will then hand those in the center offerings to the stars. This is a way for the tribe to show its support to the ones going on the journey. The offerings would include things like tobacco, cedar, sage, and grasses. The four sacred plants are gift of the Four Manido, which is the Spirit of the Four Directions (Native). This will help guide them on their journey and get them back home safely. The ceremony ends when all the offerings have been given. At this point the people will begin exiting the circle, until only those in the center remain. They will then ask for good luck from the ancestors as a closing and leave the fire. The fire is left to die on its own so that all the smoke has a chance to reach the stars.
This ceremony is done completely in silence except for the couple words said by those going on the journey. The Natives have a strong belief that all words are sacred and should only be spoken when needed (Two Rivers), so no other person will speak during the ritual. The people going on the journey speak as a way to show that they accept that they need the guidance from the stars and are willing to

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