
Cesar Chavez: A Hero

Decent Essays

Imagine having to work all day in the hot sun and barely get paid any money. Working in a place with no bathroom, no clean water, and getting sprayed by pesticides. The only reason why this is not happening right now is because of Cesar Chavez. Cesar Chavez, grew up working in the fields so he know how low the wage is and how bad the working conditions are. After being in a farmworkers organization he saw the opportunity to create his own organization to change farmworkers work problems. Because he never gave up, had a goal to improve the farmworkers work problems, and used non-violent methods, Cesar Chavez deserves the status of a hero. Cesar Chavez was determined to reach his goal, he would never give up and would always keep going. During Cesar Chavez’s long run he had to face going in and out of jail and going back to do what he was doing. Cesar Chavez was threatened by farmers and police and other people but he always kept going. Clearly, Cesar Chavez is a hero by not giving up and being determined to reach his goal. Cesar Chavez had a …show more content…

He created a non-violent organization called National Farm Workers Association ( Cesar Chavez and the farm workers went on boycotts, they boycotted all grapes from California ( In 1970 UFWOC sign a three-year contract with the Delano growers ( The signing ended the strike and the farm workers would have their needs at work. He also went on a 300 mile long march walking through fields and other farm workers would join ( As a non-violent member of the association he went on hunger strikes, he would always stop farmers trying to bring violence against farmers or police officers or anyone who was against him. Cesar Chavez was a hero in many ways but what truly makes him a hero is that he was a non-violent person and he would refuse to use

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