
Changes In The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages
The Middle Ages was a time of prosperity, innovation, and growth of Europe. It lasted between 1000 A.D.E to 1500 A.D.E. Many things were invented that helped revolutionize Europe and some still help us today. It was the time of new agriculture, the revival of trade, the growth of cities, the rise of industry and guilds, papal states, new rulers, new religious orders, new architecture, universities, vernacular literature, and The Black Death.
In the Early Middle Ages, Europe had a small population. In the High Middle Ages, the population doubled from 38 million to 74 million people. This made the need for food and farms increase dramatically. Food production increased due to a couple of key factors. One of the factors being …show more content…

They were followed by craftspeople and artisans. In the 1100s and the 1200s, the old Roman cities came alive with new population and growth. Medieval cities were small compared to ancient or modern cities. A large Medieval trading city would hold about 5,000 people. Italian cities tended to be very large, the biggest cities had around 80,000 people. Most towns were closely tied near the land because they depended on the food grown near the surrounding manors.
The development of guilds happened. A guild was a group of craftspeople with a certain skill. Guilds played a big role in the economic life of cities. By the 1200s there was a guild for almost every craft and separate guilds for specialized groups of merchants, such as dealers in silk, spices, or wool. Craft guilds directed almost every aspect of the production process. They set the standards for the quality of the articles produced, specific methods of production to be used, and even fixed the price at which the finished goods could be sold. Guilds also determined the number of people who could enter a specific trade and the procedure they must follow to do so.
Since the 5th century, the popes of the Catholic Church had claimed supremacy over the affairs of the Church. They had also gained control of territories in central Italy that came to be known as the Papal States. This control kept the popes involved in political matters, often at the expense of their spiritual duties. At the

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