
Changes In The Renaissance

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The Renaissance was a bold time, discovering new science ideas gradually making art more realistic, taking the church to a whole new level. If these things weren't discovered, life may not be the same way it is today. The Renaissance changed the way we see things in art, the church, and in discovering new science. Art and science changed due to people willing to try new ideas. The Renaissance was a time of change, it was influenced greatly by the evolution of realistic art, progressing because of the study of anatomy, the printing press, as well as a shift in beliefs with the church. New science was discovered by dissecting criminal bodies to find out how we were put together. Leonardo da vinci is well known for his anatomical sketches of the human body. He would dissect dead human remains and then draw what he saw. Dissection was completely illegal unless one was a physician, which Leonardo was not.Leonardo da vinci would get a grave robbers, and eventually a hospital director would get him a body to study. He was able to identify not only muscles and bones, but also their functions in the body, which was incredible. Unluckily leonardo was not able to share …show more content…

In the middle ages art was not really realistic, it wasn’t very important. Later on in the renaissance, art became more and more lifelike. Art was changed by different culture movement, prior to the Renaissance period, art was favored by the Catholic Church, which gave artists strict guidelines about what the finished product was to look like. One of the most realistic paintings was the “Mona Lisa”, painted by Leonardo da Vinci, which has been described as "the best known, the most visited, the most written about, the most sung about, the most parodied work of art in the world". Another work of art was painted by Michelangelo, who was also a renaissance artist, he painted “the creation of adam”. As you can see art was greatly altered in the

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