
Changing Roles Of Women In Antigone

Decent Essays

The role of women has been changing and Antigone is a perfect example because she defines herself not by her gender, but by her actions and words. To Creon however, he believes women should not make any decisions and he has power over them: “When I am alive no woman shall rule” (2050). Antigone defines herself by defying Creon’s law and burying her brother Polyneices. She then actually confesses and didn’t even deny, especially when Creon asks her if she knew of the laws he made and she replies by saying, “I knew it; of course I did. For it was public”(2048). Antigone shows that she has the strength to do things her own way and not let men control her, even if her actions costs her own life in the end. Much like Antigone taking power away from

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