
Character Analysis Of Linda Loman In Death Of A Salesman

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One of the main characters in the play, Death of a Salesman, is Linda Loman. Linda Loman faces many difficulties in this play, one of which is being part an affair she was unaware of. In the play, there are many sides to one story, and there are many stories with many sides. Death of a Salesman can be portrayed in an array of ways, depending on the form of literary criticism used.
Linda Loman is the mother of Biff and Happy. Her husband is Willy Loman. Her character is viewed as the protagonist. The true colors of Mrs. Loman come out as the play progresses. The characteristics of “the pathological dynamics of the Loman family” (Cohen) are also played out.
Her son, Biff sees her as a strong woman. Biff doesn’t think Linda needs Willy in her life. Biff thinks Willy holds the family back. “He’s got no character- Charley wouldn’t do this. Not in his own house- spewing out that vomit from his mind” (Miller 38). Woman are thought to be dependent on men. The way Biff, her oldest son, views her is different than society views her.
Happy sees Linda as a sweet woman who thrives. He thinks she can do no wrong. Happy views her as the perfect housewife. He thinks she can do anything for him and that if he wants something, she’ll make it happen. “Hey, what’re you doing up? Where’s Pop? Is he sleeping? We met two girls, Mom, very fine types. Here we brought you some flowers. Put them in you room, Ma” (Miller 94). Happy wants the best for her, but what he views as the best, is not

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